The Best of 2014 Higher Ed Holiday Greetings
Date posted: December 29, 2014
Reading Time: 3 minutes It is that time of year again and holiday greetings are featured on college and university web sites all over...
What Exactly is “Native Advertising” and Why Should Higher Ed Marketers Care?
Date posted: October 7, 2014
Reading Time: 4 minutes College and university marketers are working hard to master content marketing and reap the benefits of increased visitor traffic, increased...
How to Generate Prospective Student Leads with Twitter Lead Generation Cards
Date posted: September 17, 2014
Reading Time: 5 minutes Generating high quality prospective student leads is a real challenge. And it’s getting tougher every year. So I was quite...
4 Types of Traffic You Can Filter to get a Better Picture of Student Behavior on Your College Website
Date posted: September 2, 2014
Reading Time: 5 minutes Google Analytics (GA) is a tool that allows you to see how prospective students engage with your website, what content...
Contemplations on Higher Ed Marketing Inspired by the 2014 Horizon Report
Date posted: July 7, 2014
Reading Time: 5 minutes If you are interested in understanding how emerging technology is affecting higher education and you haven’t ever taken a look...
Influencing the Influencer: Connecting with the Parents of Prospective Students
Date posted: May 26, 2014
Reading Time: 4 minutes Parents have strong sway in a student’s choice of where to attend university or college. In Eduventure’s spring 2014 “Survey...
3 Trends in Mobile: Use, Search and Lead Conversion for Higher Ed Marketers
Date posted: March 3, 2014
Reading Time: 3 minutes In a November 2013 post, we discussed the need for higher ed institutions to start to position their marketing to...
4 Ways to Widen Your Recruitment Funnel
Date posted: February 26, 2014
Reading Time: 3 minutes Higher ed marketers do a lot of different things to keep their higher ed institutions in business but at...
7 Tips to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Lead Generation Forms
Date posted: February 4, 2014
Reading Time: 5 minutes This post is focused on how to create more effective lead generation forms. Lead generation forms appear on custom landing...
The New Google Analytics Acquistion Report: A Primer for Higher Ed Marketers
Date posted: October 25, 2013
Reading Time: 4 minutes If you are a typical college or university marketer who checks in once and a while with Google Analytics (GA)...