The world is filled with prospective students, each seeking different programs, and often speaking different languages. While English is often the default global language of communication, connecting with the right audience in certain markets can be difficult unless your messages and advertisements speak in the same local or native voice as your prospects.

Multilingual advertising for schools is a way to efficiently bridge the gap in initial communications between your admissions teams and your target audience - especially if their native language differs from that of your school. As multilingual international audiences often set their browsers or mobile devices to their primary language and use local social media platforms, a wide range of qualified student prospects are often ignored or missed simply due to the default language of a campaign.

At HEM, our team can set up your campaigns in the languages you need to reach the right audiences. Whether your institution provides online certificates, in-person degrees, short term culture and language programs, or anything else, we can get your campaigns off the ground and serve them to the right students.

Benefits of Multilingual Advertising for Schools

The world has never been more connected than it is today. Here are some of the ways multilingual marketing can help your institution unlock this potential for international student recruitment:

  • » Reach the right students for your programs no matter where they live and what language they speak at home.
  • » Reach the parents of prospective student recruits in their native language to help them research and enroll their children in international programs.
  • » Help ease the anxiety of students about enrolling by letting them take the first steps in the language in which they are more comfortable.

Multilingual Marketing Campaign Setup for Schools

Multilingual paid advertising campaigns are the perfect solution for informing students about your program offerings in their native language. In order to reach you audience most efficiently, HEM provides all the components of a multilingual campaign including:

  • » Keyword research
  • » Advertising copy
  • » Geo-location research, strategizing, and planning

Our team can then launch the campaigns on major international platforms (such as Google or Facebook) or more local ones specific to your audience (such as Naver or WeChat).

Multilingual Content Creation for Schools

Building related campaign collateral and content in the native language can help maximize the effectiveness of your ads and increase conversion rates. HEM's team can help prepare these additional facets such as:

  • » Setting up landing pages
  • » Form creation and CRM mapping
  • » Translation for other content and messaging related to the campaign
  • » Social media messaging (SMMs)

HEM can also offer boutique translation services for any other campaign or marketing collateral needed by your school to drive more student enrollments.

Multilingual Prospective Student Lead Follow-Up

After your student inquiries are generated, the most immediate task is to follow-up with them. Different schools approach this differently - from working with agents, to having multilingual staff on hand. In this area, HEM can set up email drip campaigns in the language of your prospects and the wider marketing campaign, maximizing the potential of your campaigns to turn inquiries into students.