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Taking a Look at 2015’s Top Trends to Make Recommendations for 2016!

To get your school’s marketing efforts off to a great start in 2016, the fourth edition of our annual eBook is now free for you to download. It’s based on our most popular and informative blogs, featuring the major techniques, trends and emerging best practices from all aspects of digital marketing. We’ve taken a close look at the most important ideas, newly available online tools and exciting developments in student recruitment, illustrating these concepts with relevant education examples and helpful diagrams whenever possible.

This eBook includes 16 top stories that we analyzed last year, covering these subjects:

• Inbound Marketing
• Lead Conversion
• Web Content Development
• Social Media Marketing
• Search & Analytics

We’ve attempted to include a cross-section of all major functions necessary for schools to develop an effective student recruitment strategy in 2016. These digital marketing functions are increasingly interconnected – for example, SEO best practices often inform content development which is then amplified by social media, resulting in data-driven continuous improvement at all stages.

hem inbound marketing ebook education

It has been exciting to help schools thrive in these rapidly changing times while always being on the lookout for new opportunities to improve enrollment and ROI. We think you’ll find this eBook interesting and insightful for implementing your own initiatives – as always, let us know if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to provide further guidance.

Click Here to Get your eBook!