Reading Time: 6 minutes As higher education marketers, we’re always on the lookout for emerging trends in the industry and reliable evidence to support...

Reading Time: 5 minutes Google Analytics (GA) is a tool that allows you to see how prospective students engage with your website, what content...

Reading Time: 6 minutes Have you ever wondered how things may have turned out if you’d gone with plan B? Perhaps you’ve second-guessed a...

Reading Time: 6 minutes One of the great paradoxes of modern society is the apparent glut of overqualified waitresses and cab drivers with college...

Reading Time: 5 minutes TV advertising for colleges has a long-standing tradition in higher education marketing. Higher ed ads have evolved a lot over...

Reading Time: 3 minutes About a year ago, we published a post introducing Universal Analytics, (UA)  describing what it is and some of the implications...

Reading Time: 5 minutes As post-secondary students become increasingly concerned about their future career prospects when choosing a college or university, many are taking...

Reading Time: 5 minutes Social media has great potential for effectively and cost-efficiently engaging with students and prospects, but with the constantly changing array...

Reading Time: 8 minutes As higher education marketing rapidly goes mobile, colleges and universities are rushing to keep up with the tech preferences and...

PPC for International Student Recruitment

Date posted: April 8, 2014

Reading Time: 7 minutes Increasing competition for a shrinking supply of local prospective students has led many colleges and universities to expand their recruitment...