How to Write Great Title Tags
Date posted: March 1, 2012
Reading Time: 3 minutes Title tags are an essential component of the SEO puzzle. To put it simply, a good title tag can help...
Reading Time: 3 minutes A recent study shows that YouTube is one of college students’ favorite platforms to look for information and entertainment. It...
Reading Time: 3 minutes More and more of your prospective student audiences are looking for education programs online, making it fundamental for your college...
Reading Time: 5 minutes Your current students already know how to find you, but how easy is it for prospects from around the world...
Reading Time: 3 minutes Higher Education Marketing always starts the SEO process with a full technical website audit. This audit helps determine the competitive...
Reading Time: 2 minutes We all know the importance of keywords. But what kind of keywords should you be using in your Search Engine Optimization campaigns? Higher Education Marketing looks at the differences between branded and non-branded keywords.We all know the importance of keywords. But what kind of keywords should you be using in your Search Engine Optimization campaigns? Higher Education Marketing looks at the differences between branded and non-branded keywords.
Reading Time: 2 minutes If your school is not ranking well on search engine results, you are not making the most of your website...
Reading Time: 4 minutes Higher Education Marketing founder, and SEO expert, Philippe Taza shares his thoughts on Search Engine Optimization for schools. What should your school keep in mind when starting SEO? What are some common mistakes to avoid? Click here to read Philippe’s tips.Higher Education Marketing founder, and SEO expert, Philippe Taza shares his thoughts on Search Engine Optimization for schools. What should your school keep in mind when starting SEO? What are some common mistakes to avoid? Click here to read Philippe’s tips.