Reading Time: 6 minutes More than ever, parents and students are looking at post-secondary education as a practical investment that ought to “pay off” with tangible outcomes - like a secure job after graduation, the potential for income growth, and the knowledge needed to evolve and advance.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Colleges and universities use LinkedIn groups extensively to coordinate alumni communications, fundraising, and other activities. To see just how widely...

Reading Time: 5 minutes To compete successfully on the search engines for top rankings, your college or university web team needs to have a...

Reading Time: 7 minutes On the surface, social media contests may seem like just a fun way to entertain your school communities online. However,...

Reading Time: 6 minutes Managing Pay-Per-Click advertising requires a lot of knowledge and expertise that is not necessarily native within the in-house skill sets...

Anatomy of a Higher Ed Testimonial

Date posted: April 29, 2015

Reading Time: 5 minutes Testimonials are social proof of the quality, merits and value of your programs and institution. These days they can take...

Reading Time: 6 minutes Email is probably the most commonly used digital marketing tactic of higher ed marketers.  At its simplest it is a...

Reading Time: 2 minutes We’re Reviewing 2014 Trends to Help You Jumpstart your 2015 Marketing! 2014 was a very exciting year in higher education...

Reading Time: 3 minutes Producing that all-important, marketing-optimal blog each week, for your campus info or admissions blog can often be a real challenge,...

Reading Time: 6 minutes If you are responsible for a regular blog post, you know how hard it can be to keep the ideas...